Headed to Waikiki Community Center for 1 1/2 hour ($3!) Gentle Yoga class. 21 people! Mostly floor work, eyes closed the whole time, positions and breathing--really nice. At noon, when yoga was over, hit the beach at Sans Souci and Waikiki (yes there are parking spaces at noon!) for the afternoon and another fabulous ice cream cone before the little store at New Otani closes for good. My new lunch bag is a dream; the Cool Ice kept the cottage-cheese-and-mango lunch cool, and nearly 6 hours later the ice was not all melted and the inside of the bag was still cool. On the beach(es) I sat in the little chair and read my book when I was not eating or in the ocean.
Enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!
Ditto, hareyakara, ditto!!!
[looking out the window at a miserable winter's day in Osaka]
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