I learned from her friend there that being at the Farmers' Market at 6:30 or 7 is to pre-buy; many vendors will sell-and-keep so when the gong goes at 7:30 one just picks up one's shopping and heads out. We discussed 100% Kona coffee, too, and I am still unclear on the advantage of 100% over the 10% blends--but there is time for testing! This morning I did my luxury-Sunday, both the papers and Kona cafe au lait.
I also learned, at Burleigh's, that the man working with the Japanese woman from whom I bought the Egyptian curry is her Egyptian husband--no wonder the baklava is so flaky and delicious! And the curry is different from others I've had. Sure will get other dishes next week!

Among the few things left and for sale was a kukui necklace her daughter had made in Girl Scouts--the very daughter visiting then and there. Kukui nuts from Hawaii, too (it's the state tree)--rare now that most are from the Philippines. Since I had not even thought about bringing my coral jewelry to Hawaii, or any other jewelry, having gotten out of the habit over these years, the necklace is just the accent I need! And I learned that earring backs can be had at bead stores--who knew?! So soon I'll have two items of jewelry to wear in the Islands.
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