Early on, I heard SC is a great way to meet people, according to the landlord's girlfriend (it's how they met); and the Club has had some attractive hikes. They meet just down the street! Hmm, Sandy Beach cleanup coming up isn't as attractive as "A great hike through a valley with lush vegetation and a dozen stream crossings. Lunch and a swim at a superb swimming hole" would have been. Who knew?

Good grief, a wine I've never heard of! Fuller body than rose or white zinfandel, a very satisfying hot-day wine. Who knew?
Vanity Fair
A wonderful magazine to read with a glass of White Merlot. Dream along with the high fashion ads for handbags and shoes, but get down to earth with pithy information and meaty articles. My favorite in the March issue is Michael Wolff's on the writers' strike. History of scriptwriting in Hollywood and all the issues. Riveting. And VF's blogs! To die for! Glad I know now.
Setting Sun
I, unexpectedly, really groove on the setting sun which comes into the French doors onto the corner of the couch where I sit in the late afternoon. The sunset is the pale yellow of the bougainvillea I love, the pale yellow sunset I first discovered and fell in love with in Saipan. Now, I love sunset, even though it is way too early! Who knew it was pale yellow here, too! (Um, Kay, you never noticed what?)
A New Word
Bivocational. Usually for pastors with another job, I think this should be common for folks who do two different things as double-main jobs. What a great word to drop at a party . . . "What do you do?" "Well, actually, I'm bivocational." Bet the conversation would take off!
McDonald's Coffee Price for Seniors
Coffee is 63 cents for seniors (half price) at McDonald's. Always thought theirs was good coffee but haven't tested it here. Thinking of Starbuck's prices, wow, Mickey D's is a steal deal! Who knew?
White merlot? I picked a bottle out of my stash of wine club selections in the oshi'ire the other day and pulled out a white cabernet! It has a slight red tinge to it and it tastes great. I'm now almost exclusively a red drinker, but this white cabernet might convert me back to whites.
Ahhhhh there's a gorgeous Chanel watch in the April Vanity Fair that has me wanting a watch! And I don't even wear watches. So so so so gorgeous!
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