Sunday, March 9, 2008


Today's paper had an article on a female baby-boomer syndrome that I think fits just as well across the age spectrum . . . I mean "those searching for new meaning to their lives, struggling over their next steps" really don't have to be in their 50s. Karen Gail Lewis named folks looking for what they really want in life empty-nexters — "a term she admits coining by accident when she meant to write "empty-nesters" on a brochure." I mean, one doesn't have to be a woman in mid-life (or older) to ask "What's next?" Life design when one least expects it--never was a course on that in high school. So a fancy name, but the syndrome isn't much different from what William Bridges calls "the neutral zone." It's good, though, that people are paying attention to this empty stretch so those of us in it are not quite so alone.

Early post--early night. Seriously dragging here. The closer I get to going back to Where I Was, the more I become Like I Was; gaining back all the weight I lost, losing all the muscle tone I gained, seriously dragging. Another cat/house-sitting job showed up, for Spring Break, starting the day after I plan to leave; we'll see if it works out. In the meantime, Hawaii needs to get back to doing its magical job on me!

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