Sunday, March 2, 2008

Simple Day

Finally remembered the Sunday Kundalini yoga in the park at 8:30, so was up early. I had thought the session would focus on breathing, and it did, but with very intense physical accompaniment. My right shoulder, hip and knee protested, as did my lower back, and somehow, like lomilomi, that yoga session wiped me out. It was a revelation, though, to see just how this form of yoga works. Six of us were there and there was music and the young teacher was really nice and welcoming. It was over by 11 and I had brought what I needed to hang out at the beach, so I did. Just vegged, reading again "The Neutral Zone" in William Bridges' Transitions. He reassures us that the long long emptiness that is the neutral zone part of transition, but which is dismissed or medicated in this day and age, is normal and needed. In this neutral time, "we don't really think in any way that produces definite results." Yet, everyone is expecting me to come up with definite results. I keep going back to Bridges to remind myself that it is OK that I can't. Maybe the Kundalini plus the struggle with the neutral zone plus the ice cubes they put in the ocean today all conspired to wipe me out, and I made it back to collapse in the bed by mid-afternoon. Still barely functional this evening, but back, shoulder, hip and knee feel fine! Go figure.

The Princess Pihalani was greatly heartened by a visit from my friend's son. She showed up on the bed in the master bedroom again while I rested this afternoon and evening, and was friskier. She must understand her "family" has not deserted her for this non-cat-lady, with whom she nevertheless gets along quite well. But she doesn't seem to understand when I tell her that in just a week her beloved mistress will be here with her. Cat heaven is on its way, Piha.

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